Located in the extreme northwest corner of Illinois, the Galena Area Emergency Medical Service District is a volunteer, BLS level service. The District serves 9 townships and three municipalities centered around historic Galena, Illinois.
In 1977, the first EMT class was completed; by January 1978 the Galena Area EMS District was formed. The service provides treatment and emergency transport to Midwest Medical, Mercy-Dubuque Health Center, and Unity Point-Finley Hospital.
The home base is located on the Galena-Stauss Medical Campus. Our original building, constructed in 1985, has been renovated to include meeting rooms, two sleeping areas, staff lounge, two offices, and three ambulance bays.
Our Mission
Provide prompt, professional emergency medical service.
Our Vision
Provide quality emergency medical care, support education and training, skill development, and community involvement and use these opportunities to further enhance the quality of life of our citizens and visitors.
Our Values
Embrace and reflect our emergency medical service responsibilities through stewardship, professionalism, integrity, character, accountability, and empathy.
Galena Area Emergency Medical Service District
217 Summit Street,
Galena, Illinois 61036
© 2024 Galena EMS.
Our Members
Aishah Abdul-Aziz
William Bingham
Cindy Blakemore
Lindsey D'Antonio
Ronald Data
Juan Dorantes
Riese Federman
Michelle Finley
Ruth Foley
Lynn Gallagher
Chris Garza
Jacob Gilman
Christian Gronewald
Dennis Harris
Glenn Harris
Terrence Kieffer
Brandon Kieffer
Jerret Kindred
Gabriel King
Kris Knautz
Jeremy Lee
John Loebel
Paige Monahan
Stephanie Moore
Kevin Peebles
Brian Peyton
Stephanie Soppe
Natalie Stangle
Isaac Stangle
Leslie Virtue
Oliver Wall-Penoyer
Jeremy Werner
Tony Berning
Austin Gerlich
Bylaws & Guidelines here.
Policies here.
Galena Area EMS Association Executive Board
Chris Garza
Christian Gronewald
Vice President
Stephanie Soppe
Stephanie Moore
Jeremy Werner
Public Relations
Shelley Finley
Board Reps
Gabriel King
Galena Area EMS District Board
Ben Petitgout
Randy Beadle
Vice President
Claire Bersbach
Jim Rigdon
Jan Splinter
Board Member
Renee McCartney
Board Member
Linda Winter
Board Member